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The logo of yahoo.com

Lockstep Labs


Market Segment: Internet Services Provider
Linkedin: Lockstep Labs LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $1B
Estimated Employees: 10000
Address: 701 1st Avenue, Sunnyvale CA
Description: Yahoo is now part of Oath, a digital and mobile media company with more than 50 brands globally, and a member of the Verizon family of companies. The way we handle your information hasn’t changed, so Yahoo’s Privacy Policy still governs when you are on a Yahoo site, using a Yahoo app or interacting with our products, services or technologies. We may share non-personal information with our family companies for purposes such as product improvements, research and analysis, and to help them provide you with more relevant experiences. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat your information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your Yahoo account or by placing a prominent notice on our site.
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