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Market Segment: Brand Advertising & Analytics Platform
Linkedin: Upwave LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 642 Harrison St, San Francisco CA
Description: Upwave is the Brand Intelligence Platform. Upwave makes brand marketing more impactful. Upwave plans, measures, and optimizes brand marketing. Upwave is the only brand intelligence platform that provides customers - Scale: Our unmatched digital network enables fast, accurate, data collection from millions of everyday consumers - Real-time brand insights: Real-time dashboards for the most accurate up-to-date brand insights, all conveniently accessible on a single platform - Optimization: Seamless integration with DSPs and social platforms means bid optimization and audiences to improve marketing impact Our customers are Fortune 500 companies across multiple verticals including CPG, technology, and financial services as well as the largest global advertising agencies measuring and optimizing digital campaigns for their customers. We are backed by leading investors (Y Combinator, Uncork Capital, Bloomberg Beta, PivotNorth, Ridge Ventures, Conductive Ventures, leading MarTech founders).
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