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The Supply Room Companies


Market Segment: Office Supplies & Furniture Dealership
Linkedin: The Supply Room Companies LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 14140 Washington Highway, Ashland VA
Description: The Supply Room Companies (TSRC) is the largest women owned independent dealer of office supplies and furniture in the Commonwealth of Virginia. TSRC can serve all your office needs through divisions including The Supply Room Office Supplies and Mega Office Furniture. In addition to these services, The Supply Room carries many product lines including Ad Specialty Items and BeTTerType recycled ink cartridges. We serve the entire Virginia market including the District of Columbia and Maryland. With sales offices located state-wide, TSRC associates are available for your every office need. At the Supply Room companies you get friendly, helpful service and free next day delivery. We deliver the difference because we are Your Total Office Solution.
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