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Straight North


Market Segment: Digital Marketing Agency
Linkedin: Straight North LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 31st, Valley Glen IL
Description: Straight North is an Internet marketing agency that helps growth-minded, small and middle-market firms generate online sales leads and e-commerce revenue. With an in-house team of over 100 full-time marketers, we have the depth and breadth to manage complex, multi-front campaigns that deliver continuously improving results. Our services include: SEO, PPC, display advertising, email marketing and responsive websites. We are the only online agency that validates and reports sales leads in real time. This unique capability gives clients the ability to evaluate campaigns with unmatched accuracy, as well as monitor their leads with unmatched speed. With clients throughout the United States, we have offices in Chicago, Charlotte, Baltimore and Washington, DC.
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