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Pharmaceutical Strategies Group


Market Segment: Healthcare Management Consulting Firm
Linkedin: Pharmaceutical Strategies Group LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 101
Address: 5360 Legacy Drive, Plano TX
Description: www.psgconsults.com. Please join our LinkedIn Group: https://info.psgconsults.com/linkedin_group Pharmaceutical Strategies Group (PSG) is the leading pharmacy intelligence and technology company providing cutting-edge drug cost-management solutions. Drawing on more than 20 years of pharmaceutical innovation and best practices experience, we deploy proprietary technology, industry intelligence, data-enabled services and the industry’s most trusted advisors to help our clients reduce costs, enhance revenue, and optimize health outcomes. We offer a robust and holistic array of services designed to help healthcare systems, health plans, large employers and multi-employer organizations respond to the complexities of the prescription drug market and address their most pressing pharmacy management challenges. As a trusted strategic partner to more than 300 clients, we serve as an independent advocate and technology resource to help maximize their investment in pharmaceuticals. Our client-centric approach has allowed us maintain a 99.9 percent retention rate while generating over $2 billion in savings for organizations representing more than 100 million lives. Backed by a laser focus on pharmacy and unparalleled leverage in the marketplace, we deliver unbiased and actionable insights powered by analytics that enable us to ask better questions, find better answers and deliver better results.
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