Business Profile


Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: ProxsysRx LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 1500 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham AL
Description: ProxsysRx is a healthcare solutions company that vertically integrates outpatient pharmacy into the continuum of care for health systems and their affiliated contracting agents. ProxsysRx finances and operates local outpatient pharmacy operations, providing health care systems with long-term cost savings by reducing readmissions, improving HCAHPS scores, and improving other key health system strategic indicators that impact reimbursements and margins and accelerate Meaningful Use compliance. Key Benefits for Hospitals and Medical Centers : Bedside Rx delivery Reduced Readmissions Decreased employee medical expense Improved patient satisfaction scores Enhanced 340 B savings While 10 percent of healthcare costs are spent on prescriptions drugs, their ability to control the health status of patients and the cost of care is enormous. Emerging healthcare compensation initiatives (e.g. Shared Savings, Gain Sharing, etc.) are rapidly replacing traditional fee-for-service models. Hospitals and health systems are one of several categories that will be held accountable for the quality, cost, and care for specific groups of patients. An integrated outpatient pharmacy initiative can be a key contributor to guaranteeing health systems success by ensuring appropriateness of medication use, reducing medication-related adverse events, preventing hospital readmissions, helping patients manage chronic conditions and much more.
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