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A building Business Profile

Market Segment: Digital Marketing Agency
Linkedin: ICR LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $250M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk NY
Description: ICR partners with companies to develop and execute strategic communications programs that achieve business goals, build credibility, and enhance the long-term value of the enterprise. The firm’s highly differentiated service model, which pairs capital markets veterans with senior communications professionals, brings deep sector knowledge and relationships to clients in more than 20 industries. Today, ICR is one of the largest and most experienced independent advisory firms in North America maintaining offices in Boston, Connecticut, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Beijing and Hong Kong. Founded in 1998 by former sell side analysts Tom Ryan, Chad Jacobs, and attorney John Flanagan, ICR offers unrivaled experience, insight, and access into the investor and corporate stakeholder communities. The firm is staffed primarily with former senior-level Wall Street professionals and agency veterans who not only provide advice and counsel, but also execute the work. Each brings an extensive network of trusted relationships—connections of cascading influence that ensures our clients’ story is well-known and well understood.
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