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Basho Technologies


Market Segment: Cloud-Based Infrastructure Management Tool
Linkedin: Basho Technologies LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10B
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 10900 NE 8th Street, Bellevue WA
Description: Basho Technologies is the creator and developer of Riak, an open-source distributed database that provides extreme high-availability, fault-tolerance, and operational simplicity. Riak has rapidly gained adoption throughout the Fortune 100 and has become foundational to many of the world’s fastest-growing Web-based, mobile and social networking applications. In early 2008, Basho founders were inspired by the tenets outlined in the Amazon Dynamo paper. The paper defined essential data storage requirements to ensure an “always-on” customer experience. With over 100 employees today, Basho has amassed one of the largest pools of engineers devoted exclusively to distributed systems software. Today, Basho offers OS and commercial editions of Riak. Riak KV Enterprise extends Riak KV with additional features, including multi-data center replication, and provides customers with 24×7 customer support. In 2012, Basho launched Riak S2 to help customers build public and private cloud storage platforms. In 2015 the Basho Data platform was launched which supports multiple database models and tightly integrates Riak KV and Riak S2 with Apache Spark, Redis, and Apache Solr, taking the complexity out of building and deploying active workloads in Big Data applications. Late in 2015 Riak TS (Time Series) was introduced a distributed NoSQL database optimized for time series data. By co-locating time series data, Riak TS provides faster reads and writes making it easier to store, query, and analyze time and location data. Like Riak KV, Riak TS is highly available, scalable, and easy to operate at scale.
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