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A building Business Profile

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Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: AIA LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $100M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 1735 New York Avenue, Washington DC
Description: The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is the leading professional membership organization for licensed architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners. Its headquarters is in Washington, DC, with approximately 200 employees and 300 local chapters. The AIA serves its members through advocacy, information, and community. We carry out our goals through advocacy, information, and community. Each year AIA: Sponsors hundreds of continuing education experiences to help architects maintain their licensure Sets the industry standard in contract documents with more than 100 forms and contracts used in the design and construction industry Provides countless Web-based resources for emerging architecture professionals Conducts market research and provides analysis of the economic factors that affect the business of architecture (add the asterisk) Hosts the annual AIA Conference on Architecture Serves as an advocate of the architecture profession Champions architects’ future by enhancing public belief in the value of design Promotes design excellence and outstanding professional achievement through an awards program Follow us here for news from the AIA; join our forums in LinkedIn Groups, and stay connected with us on our other social networking sites: * LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/113822 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/aianational * Facebook: http://facebook.com/aianational * Instagram: http://instagram.com/aianational * Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/aianational
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