Customize services and calculate pricing
Growth Content Marketing
custom services and pricing
Which option would you like to utilize?
Service Period Length
  • 6 months
  • 12 months
  • 1 campaigns semiannually (1 campaign quarterly) including:
    • 12 strategic blog posts semiannually
    • 1 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages semiannually
    • 13 HTML email files to promote content semiannually
    • 13 social post headlines to promote content semiannually

  • 2.5% off

    1 campaigns semiannually (1 campaign quarterly) including:
    • 12 strategic blog posts semiannually
    • 1 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages semiannually
    • 13 HTML email files to promote content semiannually
    • 13 social post headlines to promote content semiannually

  • 5% off

    4 campaigns semiannually including:
    • 48 strategic blog posts semiannually
    • 4 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages semiannually
    • 52 HTML email files to promote content semiannually
    • 52 social post headlines to promote content semiannually

  • 7.5% off

    6 campaigns semiannually including:
    • 72 strategic blog posts semiannually
    • 6 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages semiannually
    • 78 HTML email files to promote content semiannually
    • 78 social post headlines to promote content semiannually

  • 2 campaigns annually including:
    • 24 strategic blog posts annually
    • 2 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages annually
    • 26 HTML email files to promote content annually
    • 26 social post headlines to promote content annually

  • 5% off

    4 campaigns annually including:
    • 48 strategic blog posts annually
    • 4 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages annually
    • 52 HTML email files to promote content annually
    • 52 social post headlines to promote content annually

  • 10% off

    8 campaigns annually including:
    • 96 strategic blog posts annually
    • 8 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages annually
    • 104 HTML email files to promote content annually
    • 104 social post headlines to promote content annually

  • 15% off

    12 campaigns annually including:
    • 144 strategic blog posts annually
    • 12 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages annually
    • 156 HTML email files to promote content annually
    • 156 social post headlines to promote content annually

Who would you like to develop your content strategy?
  • Responsify’s specialized Content Strategist with my team’s feedback

  • My team through a self-guided tool (potentially available next year)

Who would you like to write your content?
  • Responsify’s verified human subject matter specialized writers

  • Writing by an AI robot my team will generate.

  • My writers would be responsible for writing all content

Who would you like to quality control your content?
  • Responsify’s specialized Content Strategist

  • My team through a self-guided tool (potentially available next year)

Who would you like to review your content?
  • No one, I want my content production on full autopilot please

  • One of my team members

  • Two or more of my team members

Who would you like to design your eBooks?
  • Responsify’s specialized eBook Designer based on customized template

  • My team designing the eBook with extra management for this process by Responsify

What CMS options do you prefer for your Blog?
  • My team managing our existing WordPress blogsite

  • My team managing our existing HubSpot blogsite

  • Responsify creating and managing a new WordPress blogsite subdomain (design, dev, & hosting incl.)

  • Responsify creating and managing a new HubSpot blogsite subdomain (design, & development incl.)

  • I’m not sure yet or something else

Who would you like to migrate, manage, and SEO optimize your content?
  • My team migrating, managing, and optimizing all blog content

  • Responsify’s specialized Content Migrator, Project Manager, & Search Engine Optimizer

What Landing Page and Form Tools options do you prefer for lead capturing?
  • My team managing our existing Landing Page and Form tools

  • Responsify’s Project Manager managing our HubSpot Landing Page and Form tools

  • I’m not sure yet or something else

What HTML Email automation options do you prefer for lead nurturing?
  • My team managing our existing Email Automation tools

  • Responsify’s Email Coordinator managing our HubSpot Email Automation tools

  • Responsify’s Email Coordinator managing another capable Email Automation tool

What Social Posting automation options do you prefer for content promoting?
  • My team managing our existing Social Posting Automation tools

  • Responsify’s Social Coordinator managing our HubSpot Social Posting Automation tools

  • Responsify’s Social Coordinator managing another capable Social Posting Automation tool

What reporting options would you prefer?
  • My team will track progress on our own. No reporting needed from Responsify.

  • Responsify provides real-time reporting using dashboards and reports (HubSpot Marketing Pro required).

  • Responsify provides custom quarterly progress reports.

  • Responsify provides custom annual progress reports.

Growth Content Service (Fast)

8 campaigns annually (2 campaigns quarterly) including:
• 80 strategic human written blog posts annually
• 8 eBooks, sets of CTA banners, landing pages annually
• 88 HTML email files to promote content annually
• 88 social post headlines to promote content annually
• 24 backlinks from DA 20+ annually

Annual service commitment
Responsify guided strategy with my team's input
Reporting using HubSpot with Responsify's assistance.
Social Post scheduling of content on HubSpot managed by Responsify
Lead Nurturing Email automation on HubSpot managed by Responsify
Landing page and form tools managed by my team
Blog content migration, management, and SEO by Responsify
Blog setup and management on WordPress by Responsify
eBook design by my internal or contracted designer
Content review by two or more people on my team
Content quality control by Responsify with my feedback
Writing by my internal or contracted writers
Service level discount!
10% off
$7,650/mo $6,885/mo
You'll be saving $6,000/yr with the service-level you've selected!
In total you'll be saving up to $305,694/yr on average versus doing this all internally!
Based on over 10 years of conducted research Responsify is 4.7x more cost-effective on average.
  • This is a test warning!!
  • Growth Content Strategy
    Growth Content Marketing
    Website Design & Development
    Search Engine Optimization
    Email Lead Generation
    Contact List Building & Enrichment
    HubSpot Maximization
    Google Search Advertising
    Brand Identity Designing
    Almost there!

    To request your free Content Consultation, please fill out the form below.

    Flexible and scalable content marketing to drive your growth.

    Our content marketing managed service provides complete content strategy, production, implementation, and so much more.


    • 4.7x cheaper than building a team of 3 to 8
    • Organized services streamline production
    • A dozen professionals for the price of one

    High quality

    • Subject matter experts that know your market
    • 99%+ verified human written engaging content
    • Quality controlled with world-class web app

    Better results

    • Proven strategies that guides success
    • Omni-channel approach to maximize results
    • Up to 37x ROI and up to 40% more revenue

    Effective content starts with the right research.

    Competitive Analysis

    We evaluate your competitors to identify new opportunities.

    Understanding what your competitors are doing and not doing helps us position your company to make the most of:

    • Find out how you stack up Identify how you measure against key competitors online to know where you stand.
    • Gain valuable competitive insights Gain valuable competitive insights Know what areas of opportunity there are to gain ground on your competitors.
    • See how you can gain traction Knowing where you can gain traction guides the effective strategy we help create.
    Customer Research

    We gather insights to discover your audience’s most valuable topics.

    Strong content that engages and educates your audience depends on effective and efficient customer research.

    • Narrow in on your best Market Segments We work with your team to define and prioritize the markets you sell to and focus our efforts.
    • Identify your top Buyer Personas We reverse engineer the key prospects to engage within your market segments.
    • Quickly extract the most valuable insights We interview your selected team members and customers to capture what matters most.
    Buyer Persona Building

    We build clear personas and style guides to guide content production.

    Taking all the findings from customer research into account, we define and clarify your top Buyer Personas.

    • Understand and empathize We put ourselves in your buyer’s shoes to frame the details that they value most.
    • Develop and document We develop your top Buyer Persona profiles informed by research and your insights.
    • Define and refine details We define and format your Buyer Personas into clear and easy to understand one-pagers.

    Content strategy to educate and engage.

    Campaign Concepting

    We craft campaign ideas based on topics your personas care about.

    With the research conducted, we select the trending topics to formulate well crafted campaigns.

    • Identify topic trends We review topics with you based on research on your audience, and create campaign topics.
    • Define campaign concepts We create the context needed to further develop targeted content campaigns.
    • Finalize campaign concepts We outline and finalize concepts to provide a runway of ideas to produce content campaigns.

    Keyword Research

    We identify many valuable and relevant keyword opportunities.

    Once campaign concepts are established, we conduct detailed keyword research to find ranking opportunities.

    • Initial keyword research We conduct in-depth research to find and capture related keyword opportunities.
    • Organization of keyword groups We organize and compile groups of keywords that can be leveraged.
    • Relevant keywords selection We select the most relevant keywords to be used in selected content campaign concepts.

    Content Outlining

    We thoroughly outline content campaign briefs for production.

    With all the groundwork completed, our strategist thoroughly outlines info needed for effective production.

    • Information gathering We gather the research insights, and findings to create targeted content campaigns.
    • Keyword integration We integrate the selected keywords into corresponding content campaigns.
    • Content outlining We outline a roadmap of content titles, email related text, social media headlines.

    The right people at the right time.

    Specialized Team

    We provide a dedicated team of experienced human specialists.

    Consistent and effective content marketing takes a whole team of specialists. We help support the team you have with following experienced specialists as needed:

    Project Manager Email Coordinator Creative Director Content Strategist SEO Strategist Graphic Designer Copy Editor Social Coordinator Web Developer Content Coordinator Content Migrator Growth Strategist
    Talented Writers

    We provide you a team of verified subject matter expert writers.

    Subtext to go here. A transition an organization losing traction from taking a product-focused outbound sales approach to a customer-focused, value-drive from taking a you select from our network of 3000+, including the following markets:

    Education Technology Clean Technology Health Technology Corporate Training XXXX Practice Management B2B Software XXXX XXXX Learning Management & many more

    An organized approach.

    Proven Process

    Our tried and true process keeps content on-track and quality high.

    Subtext to go here. A transition an organization losing traction from taking a product-focused outbound sales approach to a customer-focused, value-driven inbound traction from taking a product-focused outbound sales.

    • Based on 10+ years of research Our process has been refined and improved over a decade of developed best practices.
    • Systematically designed Since our process is integrated into our web application, our services run like clockwork.
    • Unparalleled quality control With our process fully integrated into our app, quality can be controlled every step of the way.

    Keeping your content production on track.

    Email Notifications

    Email notifications in your inbox at the right times to stay on task.

    We all have a lot on our plates these days. That’s why we help keep everyone focused on what needs to get done so important tasks don’t get forgotten.

    • Daily recap emails At the end of every day, showing what you and everyone else got done!
    • Task assignment emails Sent the moment a task of yours is ready to start so you never miss it.
    • Daily digest emails Emailed every morning to show tasks that are ready for you to review and do.

    Frequently asked questions.