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Market Segment: Enterprise API Studio Service
Linkedin: Adaptigent LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 1387 Fairport Rd., Fairport NY
Description: RailComm is a leading provider of technology solutions to the world’s railroad industry. We have innovative software centric solutions that monitor, analyze, and control key assets of the rail infrastructure for both freight and passenger/transit railroads, including rail-served industrials, intermodal terminals, and ports. As other industries have done in the past, the railroad industry is rapidly moving to automation and data/information as core competitive differentiators. RailComm, with our cloud-based (SaaS) and internet-of-things (IoT) solutions, is uniquely positioned to lead this trend. With our solutions our customers can achieve both increased efficiency and safety, two of the primary drivers of the industry. With the ability to automate and analyze rail assets, our customers can optimize their resources more effectively and achieve significant increases in revenue and reduction in costs. Additionally, through effective automation they can achieve dramatic improvements in safety by eliminating risky and unpredictable manual or paper driven processes. Our solutions include yard automation, computer aided mainline dispatching, remote condition monitoring and intelligent analytics for failure prediction. Solutions: Remote yard control | Mainline train control | Condition-based maintenance | Remote condition monitoring | Smart data analytics for failure prediction | Rail car tracking | Remote heater control | Remote track protection | Blue flag protection system | Shove track protection system.
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