Business Profile

Northstar Recycling

Market Segment: Waste Stream Management and Recycling
Linkedin: Northstar Recycling LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 94 Maple Street, East Longmeadow MA
Description: At Northstar Recycling, everything we do starts with one simple fact: waste has value. By working with us, you not only make money, you also send a strong message to your customers and staff that you care about doing what’s right. It’s a win-win for your business and the environment. Northstar Recycling has the scope and resources to handle all recyclables anywhere in the country. We apply our recycling expertise to design a customized program to quickly increase your revenues and achieve Zero Waste to Landfill and other key environmental objectives. Give us a call today to talk about how doing the right thing pays off.
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