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Unified Signal


Market Segment: Marketing Automation Tool
Linkedin: Unified Signal LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 5400 Carillon Point, Kirkland WA
Description: Unified Signal enables other companies to expand their brand into a variety of services including: wireless, home telephone, long distance, Internet, IoT, mobile wallet / debit card enablement, music and TV streaming and coming soon DNA based wellness services. Unified Signal’s technology infrastructure allows its clients to implement cheaper, faster, have much more control of the system. Unified Signal has successfully integrated with all 4 major U.S. wireless carriers, local and international banks, and enables its clients to private label mobile banking services including a full mobile wallet and private label debit card. Unified’s proprietary money movement technology allows its client's customers to move money all over the world in real-time and for FREE.
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