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Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: Janrain LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 101
Address: 1233 NW 12th Avenue, Portland OR
Description: First in Identity - Janrain is the first choice of global enterprises for mission-critical customer identity and access management (CIAM) needs. The largest brands in the world trust us to manage their most valuable assets: their customers' identities. Founded in 2002, Janrain pioneered Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) and is widely recognized by industry analysts as a global CIAM leader. The Janrain Identity Cloud® provides identity management, security and activation solutions that enable seamless and safe customer experiences across their digitally connected world, while providing enterprise organizations with deep customer insights. Janrain’s identity capabilities include social and traditional login and registration, single sign-on, customer profile data storage and management, customer segments, customer insights and engagement solutions. The company manages 1.5 billion digital identities for 3,400 brands, including Pfizer, Samsung, Whole Foods, Fox News, Philips, McDonald’s and Dr Pepper. Janrain is based in Portland, Oregon, with offices in London, Paris and Silicon Valley. For more information, please visit www.janrain.com and follow @janrain.
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