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Baxter International


Market Segment: Healthcare Fluid Management
Linkedin: Baxter International LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $1B
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 1 Baxter Parkway, Deerfield IL
Description: Cheetah Medical is a leader in non-invasive Cardiac Output and Hemodynamic monitoring. Cheetah’s proprietary CHEETAH NICOM Reliant and Starling SV systems are CE marked and FDA cleared. Cheetah Medical’s CHEETAH NICOM Reliant and Starling SV systems are now used by leading medical centers around the globe providing clinicians with invaluable clinical information in complicated scenarios. Cheetah Medical is committed to ongoing research and development and close cooperation with clinicians. CHEETAH NICOM is the only non-invasive hemodynamic and cardiac output monitor whose predicate for FDA clearance was the gold standard Continuous Cardiac Output Swan-Ganz catheter (pulmonary artery catheter). Cheetah medical was founded in 2000 and focused on development and commercialization of an accurate non-invasive solution for the monitoring of critically ill patients. Cheetah Medical is a private company based in Newton, Massachusetts, Tel-Aviv, Israel and Portland, Oregon.
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