Business Profile

World Wind Services

Market Segment: Renewable Energy Provider
Linkedin: World Wind Services LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 200
Address: 3055 Rosecrans Pl, San Diego CA
Description: WWS provides a comprehensive list of services to the Wind & Solar industry. From Operations and Maintenance, Electrical Construction, Asset Inspection and Specialty Repair Services. WWS also provides qualified manpower and QA/QC services for both the wind and solar industries. WWS deploys teams of responsive, experienced and safety qualified professionals to every job site.WWS is passionately dedicated to making a difference in the industry. and has broken the mold of traditional O&M companies with an innovative technician training program and attention to quality customer care. WWS has had the honor of serving and providing SAFETY, SECURITY, RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT and SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION of assignments for many of the leading turbine manufacturers and developers.
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